How to get from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air?
When you want to get from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air, your choices are limited. There is only one option we offer for this route is by using fast boat.

How far is Candi Dasa Transfer from Gili Air?
The land distance from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air is 40 miles (63 km).
Flight distance is 40 miles (63 km).

How long does it take from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air?
Travel time from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air takes around 3 hours.

How much does it cost to get from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air?
To get from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air prepare to shell out around IDR 212,750 for your ticket.

How many trips per day are there from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air?
Ferries/Fast boats depart from Bali for Gili Air 8 times a day.

Useful tips for traveling from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air
Although speedboats are the only option we offer for this route, these simple tips and recommendations will help improve your travel experience.

Things you need to remember before buying ferry tickets:
1. Ferry travel depends on weather conditions - trips may be canceled or postponed, especially during the low season or rainy season.
Sea water can be rough - always make sure you have the necessary medication if you tend to get seasick.
2. If traveling during high season, be sure to book your ferry tickets in advance as numbers are limited and usually sell out quickly.
3. Do many travelers take the fast boat from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air?
Up to now, 571 booked fast boat tickets from Candi Dasa Transfer to Gili Air through our service. You can check the review above.
The Best Transfer From Candidasa Bali to Gili Islands

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