Gili Meno Views

Lombok is the ideal place if you want to visit the Gili Meno Islands because Lombok is the closest island to the Gilis. Many transportation options take you to the Gili Islands from Lombok, ranging from public ferries and private speed boats to daily fast boats departing from Bali. Lombok has three main ports where boats can be taken to the Gili Islands: Teluk Nare, Bangsal, and Senggigi.

General Information Boat from Lombok to Gili Meno

From Senggigi, you can take a fast boat from Bali, which stops in Lombok before heading to the Gilis. Departure times from Senggigi are limited, so another option is to leave from Bangsal Harbor and take the slow public ferry. Ferries are the cheapest option, but there is a reason for that. The ferry only leaves when full, so there is no fixed departure time. The ferry is also much slower, taking about 45 minutes instead of 5-10 minutes. Speed Boat Lombok-Gili-Lombok

One of the fast boats serving the Lombok to Gili Meno route is the Bali Eka Jaya. This ship serves the Serangan to Gili Meno route five times a week and travels in around four hours and 45 minutes.

Fast Boat Options from Lombok to Gili Meno

If you want to travel from Lombok to Gili Meno, several fast boat options are available, ensuring a swift and enjoyable journey to this tranquil island paradise.

  • Karya Bahari Fast Boat
    Karya Bahari Fast Boat makes reaching Gili Meno a breeze. This reliable service offers quick transfers, allowing you to maximize your island adventures. Departing from Bangsal Harbor, Karya Bahari connects Lombok with the stunning Gili Islands, including Gili Meno, Gili Air, and Gili Trawangan. Whether you seek a peaceful retreat or exciting water activities, these islands cater to all kinds of travelers.
  • Lombok Speed Boat
    Lombok Speed Boat is another excellent choice for those eager to reach Gili Meno. Known for its punctuality, this service runs every hour from Teluk Kodek or Mentigi Bay in Lombok. With swift and hassle-free transfers, Lombok Speed Boat ensures you start your island adventure without delay, making it a top pick for many visitors.
  • Lombok Slow Boat
    Consider the Lombok slow boat to Gili Meno for a more scenic journey. Departing from Bangsal Harbor, this option takes about 25 minutes and offers breathtaking views of the coastline and surrounding islands. The slower pace allows you to soak in the natural beauty and perhaps spot some marine life along the way.

Whether you choose the quick and convenient fast boats or the leisurely slow boat, traveling from Lombok to Gili Meno promises a delightful experience. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination, and get ready to explore the serene beauty of Gili Meno!

Speed Boat Lombok to Gili Meno
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